Distinguished Service Award Winners

Hall of Fame - Distinguished Service

The Maryland State Squash Racquets Association (MSSRA) was founded in 1907. It was one of the first members of the United States Squash Racquets Association, which was founded the year before in 1906. In 2016, although the non-profit’s 501 3c corporate status remains under its MSSRA designation, the Association operates as “MARYLAND SQUASH.”

Over the years, Maryland Squash has sponsored hundreds of State, Regional, and National Championships. Among these, Maryland Squash has hosted 12 United States National Squash Doubles Championships. The Association additionally sponsors junior squash through the Maryland State Squash Championships. All US Squash Junior age- groups and index categories (for Juniors and Adults) are represented.


In 1993, the Board, Officers, and Members of the Association voted to recognize individuals who volunteered their time and talents for the betterment of Maryland Squash over many years. Some managed the association. Others ran state and national championships.

Some did both. The award was titled the “Maryland State Squash Outstanding Achievement Award.” The first recipient was Robert “Bob” Everd. In 2020, the award was renamed to honor Bob's more than 30 years of service. Since its founding, 20 Maryland State Squash volunteers have received the Robert Everd Outstanding Achievement Award. Recent research identified Haswell Franklin Sr as being honored by Maryland Squash in 1983 for his many years of Outstanding Service to Maryland Squash. It is fitting to recognize Haswell as the actual first person so honored by Maryland Squash.


In 1997, The Maryland State Squash Hall of Fame was established to recognize Maryland's most titled champions. The first recipients were inducted at a dinner celebration held in their honor at the 1998 Baltimore Invitational Singles and Doubles Championships. Forty state and national squash champions have been inducted into the Maryland State Squash Hall of Fame since its founding.


In 2002, seven individuals were recognized for their Distinguished Service to Maryland Squash. They are Patricia Goodyear, Jervis Finney, Jack Luetkemeyer, Thomas Schweizer, Tim Schweizer and Mary Jean and Oliver Travers.


The Nancy Cushman Impact Award was established in 2018 to honor those individuals whose dedication and industry will have a lasting impact on the game. Nancy Cushman, founder of the Meadow Mill Athletic Club, brought the international game to Maryland in 1992. Nancy is the individual most responsible for the explosion of junior squash in Maryland.


In 2024, the Board, Officers, and Membership of Maryland Squash combined all four of these prestigious Maryland Squash awards under the Maryland Squash Hall of Fame Awards umbrella. Hall of Fame - Championship Play recognizes on court excellence. The Robert Everd Outstanding Achievement Award - Distinguished Service -- Nancy Cushman Impact Award are combined under the umbrella of the Maryland Squash Hall of Fame - Distinguished Service.

Hall of Fame - Championship Play
Hall of Fame - Distinguished Service

Each individual has enriched the sport in Maryland. All three awards are interconnected. The purpose of the awards is to provide an ongoing history of Maryland Squash back to its 1907 beginning. In years to come, people who love and play the game of Squash Racquets in Maryland will be able to learn about those Marylanders whose talent and enthusiasm made the game not only better for their contemporaries but better for future generations - in Maryland and Nationally.

Haswell Frankin Sr.

Bob Everd

Sam Silber
Tommy Schweizer

Haswell Franklin Sr.

T. James Hense

Robert H. Hicks

Nancy Cushman
Frank Cushman

Robert S. Travers
Patricia Goodyear
Jervis Finney
Jack Luetkemeyer
Leo Pierce
Tommy Schweizer
Tim Schweizer
Mary Jean
Ollie Travers
John Voneiff

Robert S. Gaines Sr.
Vaughan E. Schmidt

Margaret Riehl

Bob Everd

Andrew Cordova
Paul Dietz
Kay Deitz
Peter Wollf

Peter Heffernan

Nancy Cushman

Nancy Wolf
Abby Markoe
Peter Heffernan

Douglas M. Hoffberger
Sage Platt

The Process

The Maryland State Squash Hall of Fame is administered by the Maryland State Squash Hall of Fame Committee, which is overseen by the President and officers of Maryland Squash. The committee meets several times a year or as needed to consider potential Hall of Fame members. Members of Maryland Squash are encouraged to submit potential inductees to the Hall of Fame Committee. When a potential candidates is identified, the committee reviews that individual’s record of play. A majority vote of the committee, in favor of a candidate’s election, is required for the committee to then advanced its recommendation to the President of Maryland Squash and his/her Executive Committee for final approval.

Certificates of Election are awarded at a presentation/dinner celebration or an alternative formal function. Newly elected members of the Maryland State Squash Hall of Fame receive a certificate of membership from the Maryland Squash Board of Governors and its membership that displays the seals of Maryland Squash and Maryland State Squash Hall of Fame that is endorsed by the President of Maryland Squash, Chairman of the Maryland State Squash Hall of Fame Committee and a serving Maryland Squash board member.